Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Halloween is a fun and festive time of year.  But, for pets, it can be a dangerous time.  Here are some tips to help you ensure that your pet has a happy and safe Halloween...

  • Halloween pranks committed against pets can be cruel and vicious. Black cats are particularly at risk. Don’t leave your pet outside and unattended on Halloween. Since many pets are frightened by the sounds and activities of Halloween, keep them safe by having them inside your house or garage. So, nowadays, this should probably include the week or so preceding and following the holiday. 
  • Halloween treats are for people not pets.  Candy, candy wrappers, lollipop sticks, and other holiday goodies can be hazardous if they are eaten (swallowed) by your pet.  As with other times of the year, chocolate is always a potential for concern.  Depending on the type and the amount ingested, chocolate can be toxic for pets.  This is especially true for baker’s chocolate.  As a rule of thumb, based on the quantity ingested, the less sweet the chocolate, the more toxic it could be.
  • Keep candlelit pumpkins out of reach of curious noses and pawsPets may knock over a lit pumpkin.  And, not only is this a fire hazard for you and your home, but your pet could be singed, burned, or even killed.
  • Despite how much fun it is for people, many pets don’t enjoy getting dressed up for Halloween.  If you do dress up your pet, be sure that the costume doesn’t interfere with your pet’s ability to breathe, see, hear, move, bark, urinate and defecate.
  • When trick-or-treaters arrive, consider keeping your pet in a separate room away from the door. Strange people in even stranger costumes can frighten some pets.
  • When you do answer the door for visitors, make sure that your pet doesn’t suddenly bolt for the great outdoors.  In case your pet does escape, make sure that it is wearing its collar with the proper identification tags.  Also, it is a good idea to make sure your pet is microchipped and registered.  Pets with a collar and tags for identification, and a microchip that can be scanned at a veterinarian’s office or a pet shelter, are much more likely to be returned to their owners.

If you have any questions pertaining to this information or to any aspect of your pet’s health care, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK US.